Sunday, 25 December 2011

11 weeks

First Weekly Update! 

I have to be completely honest and tell you that I stole this idea from another girl's blog. Shameless!  However, she's done it right and with incredible style so I've decided to use her layout. You can find her blog here.

How far along? 11 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs...oi.
Maternity clothes? Got some nice outfits for Christmas presents but mostly I think I'll be wearing stretchy pants and large yet stylish sweaters with killer boots/shoes.
Stretch marks? No, but I have a feeling they are inevitable.
Sleep: I'm trying to acclimate myself to sleeping on my side so my slumber isn't great at the moment. I get pretty sleepy between 3-6 pm so I've been building in nap/rest times to my daily schedule. It's pretty sweet.
Best moment this week: Christmas!
Have you told family and friends: Yep.
Miss Anything? Wine, Martinis and Champagne, oh my! Also, deli sandwiches and soft cheese (goat/feta/brie).
Movement: No.
Food cravings: Anything salty, savory, and spicy (cheese, popcorn, french fries, hot wings). I also crave tacos from The Alamo and In-N-Out cheeseburgers and animal fries.  My weirdest craving was mushroom soup and chocolate pudding for lunch one day last week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not drinking enough water and laying on my back.
Have you started to show yet: Just a wee cheeky bump but that could also be the 5 lbs I've gained.
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Mood?: Happy usually unless I haven't eaten and then I get hangry! (Hangry (adj): A state of anger caused by lack of food; hunger causing a negative change in emotional state.)
Looking forward to: A bigger bump and looking for nursery furniture to refurbish.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Nursery beginnings

I've been thinking a lot about baby's bedroom and I have some ideas to share. Feedback with additional ideas is more than welcome!


I recently visited the thrift store on base and found an amazing chevron knit baby blanket (I currently love anything with a chevron pattern) that I am in love with. In fact, I am so in love with it that it will be the inspiration for baby's nursery. Fortunately, the colors fit either gender so I can get a head start on nursery construction. And, in an effort to dabble in practicality, these accessories/furnishings can be used for baby #2, etc. whenever they come along.


The second thing I'd LOVE to have in the nursery/bedroom is a rocking chair cradle or nanny rocker. I've only been able to find it in American and for an astronomical price (upwards of $10,000 for some-eeek!) so I'm thinking about employing a joiner/carpenter to possibly build us one. What do you think?

If you guys know me, as I'm sure you do, DIY restoration of antique/vintage furniture is my "thing" so I think I will be finding some treasures at the auction to refinish for baby's room. Updates and before/after pictures will be posted as projects come about. I think I'll start looking at this Friday's auction...

Monday, 19 December 2011

Hear ye, hear ye....

It's official, we are pregnant!  The Wee Westman has been confirmed and we are very excited to be able to share this experience with each other and the world.  As new parents we have a lot of questions and a bit of anxiety about the whole process but we have gotten a lot of books and are reading fast.

Living in England and expecting is going to be difficult because we are so far away from our family and friends.  Part of the reason for this blog is to keep everyone we hold dear updated on all of our progress.  So far, so good...

One of the big differences, we have discovered, about England's health care is their use of midwives for prenatal visits and baby deliveries. The whole process is very foreign to us, on several levels, so it seems we will be learning this whole process with a special international perspective. We are trying to keep an open mind about midwives, but, as with most new experiences, we think the "American way" is usually the best way. Hopefully, this is one of the many times we are proven wrong.

Many more updates will be coming along periodically (hopefully at least weekly) so keep checking in to read about our progress, ideas, experiences, and decisions.

There is a comment section available below so you can share your thoughts and ideas....